Favorites in Roses
Roses are the timeless classic, perfect for sending for any occasion: anniversaries, birthdays, as a get-well-soon wish, or even in times of sympathy. Browse roses in every color and style online. We carry long-stemmed red roses, yellow roses, pink roses, white roses, orange roses, and even lavender roses! Shirley's Flower Studio delivers roses to Rogers, Bentonville, and surrounding cities. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Sending roses is a poetic expression of love, admiration, and appreciation, steeped in centuries of symbolism and tradition. Each velvety petal whispers secrets of devotion while the heady fragrance dances on the breeze, enchanting all who encounter its embrace.
In the heart of Bentonville & Rogers, Arkansas, Shirley's Flower Studio is the epitome of floral excellence, offering a dazzling array of roses in every hue imaginable. From the classic red roses that speak of fiery passion to the delicate blush of pink roses symbolizing admiration and gratitude, Shirley's boasts a selection that caters to every sentiment and occasion. Their skilled florists expertly arrange these blooms into stunning bouquets and arrangements, weaving together colors and textures to create visual symphonies that captivate the soul. Choosing Shirley's Flower Studio ensures the finest quality roses and a celebration of the local community and the artistry of floral design. With each bouquet from Shirley's, you're bestowing a timeless gift imbued with love and meaning, a gesture that transcends words and speaks directly to the heart.
Frequently Asked Questions
What different types of roses are there?
There are thousands of rose varieties. Chosen and bred for hardiness, fragrance, beauty, and climate, the roses we use change and evolve as new rose varieties come out. Our Meaning of Roses guide is designed to give you a general sampling of some of the more popular varieties of roses.
What do different rose colors symbolize?
Red roses are the most popular variety of roses since they symbolize love and respect. Pink roses offer grace and joy. Yellow roses also symbolize joy and friendship. Orange roses, in vivid tones, symbolize fascination and creativity. Learn more in our Meaning of Roses Guide. Our Meaning of Roses guide is designed to give you a general sampling of many varieties that are popular today.
How long do roses last?
With the right care, your roses can last up to a week or more! Fill the biggest bowl you can find with fresh cool water. Trim your stems half an inch at a 45-degree angle to allow for maximum hydration. Then, place your roses into the bowl of water and let them have a drink for up to two hours. Unwrap your roses and notice if there are any outer protective petals, known as guard petals, that need to be plucked. To learn more about caring for your plant, visit our flowercare page.
Are there hypoallergenic rose options?
Roses are generally a low-pollen flower, making them a wonderful choice for those with pollen sensitivities. While no flower is completely hypoallergenic, roses are among the best options for reducing allergic reactions, especially when compared to high-pollen blooms like lilies or daisies.
How to care for roses?
Fill the biggest bowl you can find with fresh cool water. Trim your stems half an inch at a 45-degree angle to allow for maximum hydration. Then, place your roses into the bowl of water and let them have a drink for up to two hours. Unwrap your roses and notice if there are any outer protective petals, known as guard petals, that need to be plucked. To learn more about caring for your roses, visit our flowercare page.